LA LINEA was created in 1969 by Italian agency ODG for a series of advertising films for the Lagostino kitchenware. The advertising slogan said “We announce a happy event to you. Agostino Lagostina is born (...)." Who is Agostino? A small sharp man made of a line and a pencil - with a really expressive nose - who is very concerned about modern life.
The author of LA LINEA/click/
Osvaldo Cavandoli(1920-
2007) begins his professional career in 1936 as a technical draftsman for the Alfa Romeo before looking further into his passion and his talents of draftsman for animation.In 1943 he starts to work with Nino Pagot, the creator of Calimero. "From 1972 on, LA LINEA was shown on numerous TV stations in Europe as well as in cinema, mostly as interstitial between commercials. Further on LA LINEA was shown in more than 40 countries over the world. The series won prizes 1972 in Annecy, France and 1973 in Zagreb, Croatia." The dubbing of Signor LINEA was made by Carlo Bonomi. An Italian could understand some words of the dialect spoken in Milan, the city where Carlo Bonomi was born. Click